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WFU Alcohol and Other Drug Position Statement

Wake Forest University believes in the wellbeing of the whole person – emotionally, environmentally, financially, intellectually, occupationally, physically, socially, and spiritually. Alcohol and other drug misuse inhibits students’ development and is negatively correlated with academic success, personal safety, and long-term health. The vitality of the campus community relies on each individual and student organization taking responsibility for choices related to alcohol and other drug use. The health and well-being of the campus community and its members should not be jeopardized by issues related to alcohol and other drugs. Therefore:

  • Wake Forest University supports the decision of students not to use alcohol and other drugs.
  • The University observes all applicable federal, state, and local laws regarding alcohol and other drug use and holds students and student organizations accountable for their choices. Legal action does not preclude University conduct action which seeks to support a campus community that introduces students into systems that support care, education, and wellbeing.
  • The University emphasizes education intended to prevent undergraduate alcohol and other drug misuse as well as an understanding of the University’s policies concerning the use of alcohol and other drugs.
  • Students whose alcohol and/or other drug use results in behavior that creates a risk of danger to the health and safety of themselves or others are subject to conduct review.
  • Student organizations whose events and/or member actions involving alcohol and/or other drugs result in behavior that creates a risk of danger to the health and safety of themselves or others are subject to conduct review.
  • The University provides medical, conduct, educational, and therapeutic responses for individuals and student organizations with alcohol and/or other drug-related concerns.

General Jurisdiction

The University’s Undergraduate Alcohol and Other Drug Policy applies to all Wake Forest undergraduates and their guests, as well as undergraduate student organizations. The aforementioned entities are responsible for knowing and abiding by the University’s Undergraduate Alcohol and Other Drug Policy. This policy applies both on- and off-campus.

For faculty/staff policies, please refer to Substance Abuse Prevention Policy:

For policies pertaining to graduate and professional school students, please contact the appropriate graduate and/or professional schools.

Procedures regarding the registration, marketing, management, and closing of events and related training requirements are governed by the Event Management Procedures for Campus Social Events with Alcohol:

WFU Undergraduate Alcohol and Other Drug Policy

General Regulations

  1. Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages and/or other drugs is permitted only in accordance with this policy and applicable laws. Failure to comply with this policy and applicable laws could subject the individual and/or group to conduct action within the University. 
  2. When consumption of alcoholic beverages is permitted by students and their guests of legal age on campus, such consumption is limited to beer,  unfortified wine, and other malt beverages. Permitted beverages must contain 16% or less alcohol by volume (ABV). Distilled alcoholic beverages and other beverages with an ABV greater than 16% may not be consumed except at events held at a licensed establishment or where alcohol is served by a licensed third-party vendor.
  3. When possession of alcoholic beverages is permitted by students and their guests of legal age on campus, such possession is limited to beer,  unfortified wine, and other malt beverages. Permitted beverages must contain 16% or less alcohol by volume (ABV). Distilled alcoholic beverages and other beverages with an ABV greater than 16% may not be possessed on campus.
  4. Students and their guests of legal age may consume alcoholic beverages (beer,  unfortified wine, and other malt beverages) in the following locations on the Reynolda campus: residential living spaces within residence halls, leased lounges, independent lounges, common spaces in apartment-style living suites, Shorty’s, Zick’s, and at special event venues during registered events.
  5. Students and their guests of legal age may consume alcohol on leased patio areas after 5:00 p.m. on weekdays and after 12:00 PM on Saturday and Sunday.
  6. When participating in study/travel abroad programs, students are expected to abide by the legal drinking age and/or applicable laws in the country(ies) where they study/travel.

Individual and Organizational Regulations

The following behaviors are prohibited at Wake Forest University:

Alcohol and Other Drug Misuse:

a. Use of alcohol/or other drugs that results in behaviors, physical signs, and medical consequences, including but not limited to: staggering, difficulty standing or walking, slurred speech, passing out, blackouts (loss of memory), vomiting, retching, bloodshot and/or glassy eyes, strong odor of alcohol and/or other drugs, physical injuries, or other medical problems.

b. A pattern of recurring episodes of alcohol and/or other drug-related violations of the Student Code of Conduct.

c. Use of alcohol and/or other drugs in association with inappropriate behavior including/but not limited to:

  1. Harassment
  2. Threatening Behavior
  3. Destruction or Defacement of Property or Grounds
  4. Failure to Comply with the Directions of University Officials
  5. Any other behavior that violates the Undergraduate Student Code of Conduct

Assisting or Encouraging Underage Possession, Purchase, or Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages:

Helping or actively encouraging another person to engage in violations of University’s Undergraduate Alcohol and Other Drug Policy. The student is also responsible for misconduct if they permit underage alcohol use within their residence hall room or off-campus residence, or otherwise provide a setting that allows for the underage consumption of alcohol.

Open Containers:

Possessing an Alcoholic Beverage in open containers outside Designated Areas. Residents and their guests are not allowed to carry primary or secondary open containers of alcohol to or from suite/floor lounges at any time.

Public Consumption:

Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages, on or off-campus, in a place which is generally viewable to the public or other students, unless the consumption is permitted as part of a registered event or approved special event (e.g., approved tailgating area).

Possession of Prohibited Form of Alcohol:

When possession of alcoholic beverages is permitted on-campus, such possession is limited to Alcoholic Beverages with 16% or less alcohol by volume (ABV).

Driving While Impaired and/or Driving Under the Influence:

 Because of the danger that drivers under the influence pose to themselves and to others, the operation of a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs is prohibited. For purposes of this policy, “driving under the influence” is defined as a situation in which the operator of any motorized vehicle is determined by admission, by testing for blood alcohol content, or by commonly accepted behavioral observations (e.g., slurred speech, staggering, etc.), to be driving such vehicle after having consumed Alcoholic Beverages or ingested other Drugs or legally controlled substances to a degree that has altered, inhibited, or impaired the student’s ability to think and/or act.

Underage Purchase or Attempt to Purchase Alcohol:

No student under the age of 21 may purchase or attempt to purchase Alcoholic Beverages.

Underage Possession and/or Consumption of Alcohol:

No student under the age of 21 may possess or consume Alcoholic Beverages. Additionally, no student under the age of 21 may possess empty primary alcohol containers.

Sale of Alcoholic Beverages:

The sale of Alcoholic Beverages except for sales by University-approved licensed vendors.

Use, Possession, Sale, Manufacture, Distribution, or Display of Controlled, Illegal or Prohibited Substances and/or Paraphernalia:

Any possession, use, sale, manufacture, distribution, or display of controlled, prohibited, or illegal substances and/or Paraphernalia. The use of (or intent to use) substances for purposes or in manners not as directed. Cannabis is prohibited, including any cannabis product or products that contain any amounts of any form of THC, including edibles, alternative cannabis products (i.e. tinctures, lotions/balms/transdermal patches, concentrates, etc.), vapes for use with cannabis oils, etc. are not permitted on campus due to federal regulations. If University officials respond to the smell of cannabis, the University may proceed with a conduct process and determine, based on the totality of the information, that it is more likely than not the substance is cannabis, and thus is prohibited. The factors to be considered include but are not limited to: the smell of cannabis, the presence of paraphernalia related to cannabis use (water bongs, grinders, pipes), behaviors indicative of cannabis/THC intoxication, and any applicable packing or testing.

Use of Common Source Containers:

The use of common source containers except by University-approved licensed vendors or during events pursuant to University Athletics policies.

Drinking Practices or Games that Promote Misuse of Alcohol:

Active participation in games and activities that promote high-risk drinking or rapid alcohol consumption. This includes, but is not limited to, flip-cup, pong (including “water pong”), quarters, split-a-bottle, Edward 40-hands, shot-gunning, shots, consuming a minimum volume of alcohol within a set time period, and chugging.

Unauthorized Containers or Paraphernalia:

Beer bongs, funnels, or any other paraphernalia which encourage or support alcohol misuse are prohibited.

Advertising, Referencing or Promoting Alcoholic Beverages, Drug Use, or Bars/Taverns:

No reference to alcoholic beverages, illegal drug use or off-campus bars/taverns may appear on any poster, sign, flyer, or social media posting (except programming/prevention messaging from approved offices within University departments). This includes, but is not limited to, College Night, Drink Specials, BYOB or Your Favorite Beverage. Student organizations or student initiatives that involve election campaigns are also not allowed to reference alcoholic beverages or off-campus bars/taverns as part of election marketing.

Social-Hosting Regulations

  1. Student organizations hosting social functions where alcohol is consumed must abide by all University regulations and applicable laws. Such groups are responsible for managing their social functions in a manner consistent with this policy. For the purposes of this policy, this includes registered student organizations and other informal groups of students hosting social events.
  2. Persons of legal drinking age may consume alcoholic beverages at social functions registered in accordance with this policy. Attendance at such functions is limited to Wake Forest University students and their invited guests.
  3. Hosts will verify by checking government-issued identification that individuals who consume alcoholic beverages at a social function are at least 21 years of age. Acceptable forms of identification are valid forms of: Driver’s License, State Issued Identification, Passport, or Military Identification.
  4. Hosts must prominently display information regarding North Carolina state law regarding alcohol use.
  5. No alcohol is permitted at formal recruitment functions.
  6. Groups holding social functions at any off-campus location where alcohol is available must abide by all applicable laws and be aware that their organization represents Wake Forest University. The group may be held accountable for its actions and the actions of its members through the University judicial process.
  7. Alcoholic beverages may not be stored/held in lounges at any time other than during an officially registered social function.
  8. Alcoholic beverages for social events sponsored by student organizations may not be purchased with Student Activity Fee (SAF) or Student Budget Advisory Committee (SBAC) funds. Student Government and Student Union may utilize SBAC funding to purchase alcohol for Campus-wide events in accordance with University event planning guidelines for undergraduate organizations.
  9. All social function hosts are responsible for knowing and following the Guidelines for Hosting Social Functions.

Administration of the Policy

  1. The Alcohol and Other Drugs Coalition reviews the University Undergraduate Alcohol Policy and related procedures no less than on a biennial basis. The Alcohol and Other Drugs Coalition reports its findings and makes recommendations to the Vice President for Campus Life.
  2. The implementation and enforcement of the University Undergraduate Alcohol Policy is under the direction of the Vice President for Campus Life.
  3. Reported or suspected violations of the University Undergraduate Alcohol Policy will be addressed in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.

Definition of Terms

Alcoholic Beverage: Any liquid containing at least one-half percent (0.5%) alcohol by volume, including beer, wine, liquor, or mixed drinks.

Alcohol Paraphernalia: Any item used to distribute, manufacture, use, conceal, and/or ingest alcohol.

Bar/Tavern: An establishment for the sale of beer and other drinks to be consumed on the premises, sometimes also serving food for which >50% of revenue comes from the sale of alcohol.

BYOB: A social event where individuals bring their own alcoholic beverage. If an event is designated as “BYOB,” collective purchasing of alcohol (by members or non-members of the sponsoring organizations) is prohibited.

Common Source Containers: Kegs, coolers, and similar containers of Alcoholic Beverages intended to serve as a source of such beverages for multiple persons at a party or other gathering.

Designated Areas: locations on the Reynolda campus where Students and their guests of legal age may consume Alcoholic Beverages. The following are Designated Areas: residential living spaces within residence halls, leased lounges, independent lounges, common spaces in apartment-style living suites, Shorty’s, Zick’s, and at special event venues during registered events.

Distribution: “Sharing” or providing access to alcohol or other drugs. It does not require the exchange of money, goods, or services.

Drug: A chemical substance used in the treatment, cure, prevention, or diagnosis of disease or used to otherwise enhance physical or mental well-being; a habit-forming medicinal or illicit substance, especially a narcotic.

Drug Paraphernalia: Any material, product, instrument, or item used to create, manufacture, distribute, use (ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing any drug into the body), conceal, or otherwise manipulate any drug and includes, but is not limited to, hypodermic needles, syringes, bongs, vaporizers, or pipes.

Possession: Transportation, ownership, control, or consumption of an Alcoholic Beverage or Drug. Students are presumed more likely than not to be in possession if the item is found in their room, vehicle, belongings, or other space within their direct or indirect control. More than one individual may have possession of an Alcoholic Beverage or Drug.

Primary Container: The original packaging in which an alcoholic beverage is distributed by the manufacturer.

Registered: Any social event that has been approved and recorded by the Office of Student Engagement, or other appropriate office.

Secondary Container: Any device into which an Alcoholic Beverage has been transferred from its primary container. Also, any cup or container used to conceal the identity of the Alcoholic Beverage (such as a Koozie).

Student Organization: Any University-recognized organization, club or otherwise formally or informally structured student group.

Updated November 2024