Support for addiction to all types of problematic behaviors including alcohol/other drugs, gambling, food, pornography, and more
A space that endorses respect, confidentiality, non-judgment, and inclusivity
A range of people with different majors, ages, and walks of life connecting about similar things. We share about where we are in life, what we are facing on a daily basis, and how we can help each other through our own personal lenses. There is not a minimum requirement to meet to attend a meeting
Deacs All-Recovery Meetings
In All Recovery Meetings, we welcome anyone struggling with addiction. We embrace all paths to healing without bias and are non-denominational.
Together, we will discuss a variety of topics relevant to the recovery journey. It’s important to note that while we may touch upon principles that are also found in 12-step programs, this meeting isn’t affiliated with any “Anonymous” group, and you are not required to work a 12-step program.
This is not group therapyand is not meant to diagnose or treat
First Meeting on Wednesday, January 22th, 6pm-7pm
Weekly Drop-In Hours
These are for students curious about recovery or harm reduction to ask questions, get support and build community
First Drop-In Space Friday, January 31st!
Meeting/Drop-In Location
These are hosted in our Recovery Lounge, located right beside Deacon Health at the Wellbeing Center. You can access through the door right across from the parking lot and straight through is where the lounge is. See map below.